Saturday, January 7, 2012

Welcome 2012!

     Happy 2012 everybody!  I hope everyone is having a great start to the year.  As I mentioned in my last post the end of a year and start of a new one always brings about some sort of reflection, and with evaluation often comes improvement.  Here are a few things HN&S hopes to acheive in the new year and some of the changes we're looking forward to.


Here are a few changes that HN&S will undergo in this year,

  • Overhaul of the blog; I'm going to be changing the layout, look and content of the blog
    • Blog layout; background, sidebars, charts, search buttons...
    • Weekly projects; I'm hoping to blog and complete a project a week.  These will include small projects as well as a large one here and there when I've completed it.  They will usually but not always contain a pattern.
    • Blog tone; I will be adding a more personal touch to the blog, instead of dealing mostly with business information I will be blogging also about personal matters relating directly or inderectly to the business and crafting.  I will also be including more stories and photos of my kitties as they tend to gravitate towards anything crafty.

  • Official website; I'm hoping to get an official website up and running this year

  • New media outlets; I don't want to go into details as they are still in the early stages, but I'm hoping to launch at least one new 'site' (hint: it will involve tutorials) *exciting*


Here are some projects HN&S will be working on this year,

  •   The New Line; it hasn't been forgotten, just put on hold while other things get sorted out
  •  Clothing line; last year I started working on some clothing designs and I hope to get out a few products in 2012

  • Misc Projects; this year I'm hoping to take some of my other crafts to the next level and experiement with new ones
    • Paintings; I'd like to start a few basic florals or abstracts and put them up on my site.
    • Photography; mostly landscapes and nature, but I'll be dabling into other areas as well.
    • Soap making; I've always wanted to try this, perhaps the new year will bring on the opportunity.
    • Jewlery making; another hobby I set up some time ago but haven't worked on in a very long time.  I hope to get the opportunity to play with it a little more this year.
     I'm sure as the year progresses these goals will change and new ones will emerge.  I hope you'll follow along with me as I tackle 2012!
Keep Crafty everyone and happy 2012!

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